Individual or Group Coaching Sessions with Kris Reichert


Event Presenter | Tedx | Keynote Speaker

Leverage the Power of Video to Drive Your Business Forward!

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Ho migliorato notevolmente le mie capacità di comunicare, ho creato una connessione e un rapporto più autentico con il mio pubblico e mi sono sentito molto più sicuro di me, in tutti gli aspetti

Marco Abbate – Presidente I.N.I.A.R.C.

I gained more CONFIDENCE, developed better relationships with my clients and SOLD MORE real estate!

Jennifer McPherson – Rock Star Real Estate

I left my underpaid job and stepped confidently into my DREAM JOB! I now make over 100% more than I did before

Natalia Cieslak, Project Manager Sony International

I finally gained the confidence to leave my mundane job and start my OWN COMPANY. I found the magnitude of my VOICE and I’ve happily become an ENTREPRENEUR!

Iwona Polog, Entrepreneur


€297 EUR

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€897 EUR

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